


Oxford-Harrington Rare Disease Scholar Award 

The Oxford-Harrington Rare Disease Scholar Award advances promising discoveries from academic labs to move them into clinical practice. The award combines funding and expert therapeutics development support to help researchers in the UK, US, or Canada to accelerate preclinical projects towards treatments for patients.

Download Scholar Award Overview

Awardees have access to the Oxford-Harrington Rare Disease Centre Therapeutics Accelerator, which receives support from a partnership between University of Oxford, Oxford Science Enterprises, and University Hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio.

Successful applicants will receive: 

  • Guaranteed grant award of £100K for UK-based awardees or USD$100K for US- and Canada-based awardees
  • One year of therapeutics development support and project management, with potential to renew for a second year based on milestones met
  • Access to core facilities and infrastructure including oligonucleotide synthesis and screening, small molecule and protein platforms and cell and gene therapy facilities
  • Opportunity to compete for acceleration funds up to £250,000 (UK) or USD$300,000 (US and CA)
  • Opportunity to qualify for investment funds up to USD$1,000,000 according to project requirements
  • Invitation to present at a Harrington Discovery Institute or Oxford-Harrington Rare Disease Centre Scientific Symposium


  • MD or PhD (or equivalent) researchers in the UK, US, and Canada operating their own independent lab
  • Faculty position at an accredited academic medical centre, university or research institution in the UK, US or Canada, and conduct the majority of their research at that institution
  • A project must have a single Principal Investigator (PI), who is responsible for project oversight and financial management. The PI may engage collaborators, core labs or commercial Contract Research Organisations (CROs) to execute any portion of the project

Past recipients of Harrington awards may submit new and distinct proposals, but may not seek additional support for previously funded projects.

We welcome and encourage multiple proposals from each institution.

Late submissions will not be accepted for any reason, other than issues with the submission system. Proposals received after the deadline will not be reviewed.

Discoveries sought:

The Oxford-Harrington Rare Disease Scholar Award seeks novel approaches to treat rare diseases. Proposals of interest include discoveries demonstrating rigorous science, innovation, and potential for clinical impact. Projects with novel, validated targets are of particular interest.

The current focus areas of the OHC are neurological disorders, developmental and metabolic disorders, and rare cancers, but we welcome applications directed to other rare, genetic indications with a high unmet need. Any therapeutic modality will be considered.

Key considerations also include:

  • Novel approaches to treat rare diseases (either European or US definition of a rare disease can be applied. Ultra-rare diseases will also be considered)
  • Potential to be developed into a commercial programme
  • Strong intellectual property (IP) or protection strategy


How to Apply            Apply Now

Important Dates

  • Call Opens for Applications 
    15th January 2025
  • Application Submission Deadline 
    10th March 2025 
  • Finalists Contacted for Due Diligence Review  
    June-July 2025
  • Notification of Award
    September 2025